Section II:
Photocopy Services

"Initially we had concerns about the lack of a copy center to support the copiers and microform equipment. Calvin Calloway, the technician in residence, surpassed our expectations and proved to be both capable and reliable. We had very few complaints about copier problems even on the weekends. The new microform machines, although not as flexible as we had hoped, have also held up fairly well, although after the summer ERIC-marathon they do need a tune-up." Jane Cramer, Government Publications & Microforms Librarian

What started in the fall semester 1999 as a copy services nightmare has now become a somewhat pleasant dream. In the beginning, equipment was not installed on time, and for days after the start of the semester students had no access to photocopiers. Next, the new vendor installed many machines in the wrong spaces, requiring extensive switch-outs. However, after a very bumpy start and following the hiring of an on-site service technician, Library staff are quite happy with the terrific job he is doing.