Theme I:
A Year in Temporary Quarters

“Down in the fields, all prospers well.” Walt Whitman
“The Promised Land always lies on the other side of a wilderness.” Havelock Ellis
“I am finally feeling as if we can see the edge of the forest. We have settled in, but not gotten too comfortable. And we look forward to our return to ‘The Library’" Jane Cramer, Government Publications & Microforms Librarian
“It is extremely impressive how everything is functioning so smoothly while the new library is under construction. Our students are lucky that the library staff is so dedicated in providing exceptional service.” Alan Gilbert, Assistant Vice-President for Budget & Planning
“People are finding us (which, despite very aggressive signage, is not always easy). We are persevering in our goal to provide our users with the information they need--regardless of the physical plant or the format. And reminding ourselves that good things are coming.” Jane Cramer, Government Publications & Microforms Librarian
“This year the Systems unit had to perform a truly Herculean task: to move technology from one location to many locations, while at the same time providing service at all locations.” Howard Spivak, Director for Library Systems & Academic Information Technologies
The cliffhanger in the 1998/1999 annual report found the Library and AIT staff,
along with everyone else involved in the Library Project, at a gigantic “We’re Checkin’ Out”
party in the empty and cavernous LaGuardia reading room. The date was
August 27, 1999, and the high point was Mary Shea’s rendition of
Billy Joel‘s “Movin’ Out”--with new and improved Library-related lyrics.
All of our friends and partners in the Library Project--College administrators,
architects, DASNY, Turner Construction Company, contractors, Facilities staff –
were present for our big send-off to the western edge of campus.

The temporary spaces, where we would spend two years, include:
  • The Field Library, a large two-story pre-engineered building near the athletic field and tennis courts, housing the bulk of the collections and service points.
  • The Roosevelt Library, disused gymnasium space that accommodates other materials, staff, and services.
  • The Music Library, located temporarily in Gershwin Hall.
  • LaGuardia Community College, where warehouse-type space houses older journals and most of Special Collections and the Archives.