Theme III: The Once & Future Library
The Topping Off Party

President Christoph M. Kimmich
Hal Ford Higginbotham,
President Christoph M. Kimmich,
Barbra Buckner Higginbotham
Barbra Buckner Higginbotham
November 1, 2000, found us celebrating the topping off of the uppermost floor of the new wing. The 200 attendees included faculty, administrators, students, architects, politicians, and other friends of Brooklyn College, each enthusiastic about the Project's progress. This time, we entertained on site-party planner par excellence Connie DiGeronimo put together a smashing event that allowed all who wished to participate to add a screw to the new Library's walls. Souvenirs included tiny Brooklyn College Library screwdrivers!
Assemblywoman Rhoda Jacobs
Library and Academic IT staff:
Nicholas Irons,
Miriam Deutch,
Howard Spivak,
Barbara Sheeran