Theme III: The Once & Future Library

"I wish to emphasize how deeply grateful we are for Dr. Kimmich's leadership
during the critical period of the last twenty months," Chairman Badillo said. "Dr.
Kimmich's return to Brooklyn College in the Spring semester will allow for a smooth
leadership transition. The experience he gained will be of enormous benefit to the
students, faculty and staff of Brooklyn College. At the same time, the University
will benefit greatly from Dr. Lattin's participation in graduate level studies. He will
bring his extensive service from Brooklyn College, the City University and higher
education to the classroom." Chancellor Matthew Goldstein, August 27, 1999 NY

On February 1, at the start of the spring 2000 semester, Brooklyn College’s former
provost and the University’s Interim Chancellor Christoph M. Kimmich returned to us as
our president. Satisfaction with this turn of events was wide-spread: the College was
delighted to reclaim one of its own, now working from a considerably larger and broader