Theme III: The Once & Future Library
A New Strategic Planning Initiative for
Brooklyn College
“The educational system in the United States is undergoing a major transformation.
The external and internal challenges facing Brooklyn College and the evolving needs
of our students and faculty call for innovative ways to take us from where we are
today to where we want to be in five years." Christoph M. Kimmich, President of
Brooklyn College

To meet the educational challenges of the new millennium, President Kimmich appointed a
College-wide Planning Council to help develop and recommend a five-year strategic plan. At
the Stated Meeting of the Faculty on February 16, 2000, he described his vision for
Brooklyn College, a "model urban public liberal arts college." Drawing on the ideals outlined
by the president, the Council defined eight areas, each of which was studied by a team of
faculty, students, and staff, with input from the heads of academic departments,
administrative areas, alumni/ae, and others:

Academic quality
Student-centered programs and policies
Modern facilities
State-of-the-art educational technology
Financial health and effective resource management
Integrated management information systems
Community relations, outreach and involvement
Effective internal and external communication