Theme V: Teaching with Technology: The College Adopts Performance Goals

One of the University master plan’s goals (and one of the College’s strategic planning initiatives) is increasing the use of technology for teaching. In the summer 2000, in response to a request from the Chancellor, President Kimmich asked Academic Information Technologies to develop some quantifiable goals for the 2000/2001 academic year. Our goals, each of which we have met or are well on our way to meeting, include:

Goal 1: Build faculty interest in Web-assisted teaching. Method:
A) Introduce Blackboard.
B) Provide 10 Blackboard workshops.
C) Increase participation in the general faculty workshop series by 10%.
D) Form a 2000-2001 WebCourse class of 15 faculty.

Goal 2: Increase the number of HTML-literate faculty at Brooklyn College.
A) Introduce Blackboard.
B) Provide 10 Blackboard workshops.
C) Increase participation in the general faculty workshop series by 10%.
D) Form a 2000-2001 WebCourse class of 15 faculty.

Goal 3: Enhance the quality of Web-assisted teaching at Brooklyn College.
A) Introduce a new 3-workshop sequence on the use of full-text Web resources, targeting faculty in the (a) sciences, (b) social sciences, and (c) humanities.
B) Build an electronic button for accessing full-text Web resources and supply it to all faculty with course sites for use on their pages.
C) Increase the number of threaded discussion sites by 10%.

Goal 4: Bring every department teaching in the Core Studies curriculum into the Virtual Core Project.
A) Develop a virtual section of the Art Department's Core course.
B) Support the development of a website for the Music Core studies course.

Goal 5: Increase the use of course sites in the social sciences and humanities.
A) Increase the number of humanities sites by 10%.
B) Increase the number of social sciences sites by 5%.
C) Increase the number of education sites by 50%.

Goal 6:Increase the total number of Brooklyn College course sites by 10%.
A) Generate 30 new sites.
B) Fulfill goals 1-5 above.

Goal 7: Increase the number of faculty with advanced Web design and Web teaching skills.
A) Hire a multimedia specialist.
B) Identify 10 new clients for the multimedia specialist.
C) Develop and present 3 new advanced Web design workshops.
D) Introduce 2 new WebCourse curricular modules in more advanced technologies. (Dreamweaver; Flash).