Reserves Reading Room

In the summer 2003 Professor Miriam Deutch and Dr. Howard Spivak met with student government president Okenfe Aigbe about SG's interest in keeping the Library open until midnight Monday-Thursday, while delivering 24 hour service during mid-term and final exams. Professor Deutch and Dr. Spivak explained the Library's budget to Mr. Aigbe who offered that SG would fund an extra evening hour Monday-Thursday in Reserves and 24 hour service during exams.

It was suggested that we pilot these added hours in the fall semester, assess usage, and then decide how to proceed for spring 2004. The statistics we collected during the autumn showed that many students made use of Reserves during the added evening hour, and the pilot was repeated in the spring semester. The Library greatly appreciates the $3,000 SG provided to support the new hours, as well as student government's cooperative spirit. Reserves continues to be one of the most heavily used rooms in the Library, and it has become even more popular because of the addition of more PCs and the extended hours.